Call For Papers

Requirement and guidance for submitting papers

The 6th International Conference on Healthcare, SDGs and Social Business
Transforming Healthcare: Bridging Gaps, Empowering Communities
August 28-30, 2024 (Hybrid)

In a world where half of the global population lacks access to essential health services and 800 million people endure significant financial burdens for medical care, the need for transformative solutions is paramount. The 6th International Conference on Healthcare, SDGs and Social Business recognizes the potential of disruptive technologies to address these challenges. It is our firm belief that by developing affordable, portable, and usable technologies, we can bridge the existing healthcare gaps and empower underserved communities.

The concept of social business emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a sustainable approach to healthcare delivery. To combat issues highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3.8, we aim to leverage digital healthcare technologies—such as portable medical sensors and artificial intelligence to reduce medical costs. Additionally, the deployment of new policies on remote healthcare systems and the integration of social business models can make healthcare delivery more sustainable. Remote Healthcare Systems (RHS) play a pivotal role in reducing the risk of disease spread, addressing mental health concerns, and optimizing the valuable time of healthcare professionals.

The conference will take place from August 28 to 30, 2024, in a hybrid mode. The conference serves as a platform to share and discuss state-of-the-art healthcare technologies, deployment case studies, and policy recommendations centered around achieving Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC) through the effective utilization of digital health and robust health information systems in a sustainable manner.

Conference Tracks

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Digital Health Platforms and Infrastructure:
    • Cloud Computing in Healthcare
    • Big Data Analytics for Health
    • Interoperability and Standards
    • Cybersecurity in Digital Health
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare:
    • Machine Learning for Disease Diagnosis
    • Natural Language Processing in Healthcare
    • Robotics and Automation in Medicine
    • AI for Personalized Medicine
  • Wearable Technologies and Sensors:
    • Remote Patient Monitoring
    • Smart Wearable in Healthcare
    • IoT Application in Health
    • Sensor Technologies for Healthcare
  • Telemedicine and Virtual Healthcare:
    • Telehealth Services and Solutions
    • Virtual Reality in Medical Training
    • Telemedicine Ethics and Regulations
    • Remote Consultation and Diagnosis
  • Health Informatics and Data Management:
    • Electronic Health Records (EHR)
    • Data Privacy and Ethics
    • Health Information Exchange
    • Data-driven Decision Making in Healthcare
  • Sustainable Approach for Healthcare Service Delivery:
    • SDG Progress and Challenges in Healthcare
    • Social Business and Digital Health Entrepreneurship
    • Healthcare Workforce Resilience
    • Public Health, Policy, & Community Engagement
  • Oral Health:
    • Oral Epidemiology
    • Oral Health Promotion and Education
    • Geriatric Dentistry
    • Tele-dentistry and Dental Data Management

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original papers addressing the conference themes. All submissions will undergo a thorough peer-review process.


Accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

Special Sessions and Workshops

The conference will feature special sessions and workshops on emerging topics in digital healthcare. Researchers are encouraged to submit proposals for special sessions and workshops by April 15, 2024.

Opportunity: Registration Fee Exemption

Eligibility for Application:

  • Your paper/poster has been accepted for publication/presentation
  • You have a valid reason for being unable to pay the registration fees
  • Application Deadline: July 10
  • Notification of Decision: July 11

To apply click here

Important Date

  • Full Paper/Poster Submission: May 20, June 10, June 24, 2024
  • Review Notification: July 01, July 10, 2024
  • Early Bird Registration Deadline: July 15, 2024
  • Camera Ready: July 30, 2024
  • Conference: August 28-30, 2024

Contact Information

If you require an invitation letter after completion of registration, please fill this Form

For inquiries, please contact the Conference Secretariat at

Ready To Submit Papers?

Important dates:
Full Paper/Poster Submission: June 10, 2024
Review Notification: July 10, 2024
Early Bird Registration: July 15, 2024
Camera Ready: July 30, 2024
Conference: August 28-30, 2024